Jeffreys Bay participates in International Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, September 16
Jeffreys Bay Residents join hundreds of thousands of people around the world in a global movement for Trash Free Seas as part of the annual International Coastal Cleanup. Nearly 12 million people and counting have been part of the world’s biggest volunteer effort to protect the ocean. Will you join us this year?
Jeffreys Bay Dorp van Drome is organizing a beach cleanup expected to be attended by at least 500 people as part of Ocean Conservancy’s annual International Coastal Cleanup, the world’s largest single-day volunteer effort to clean up our waterways, beaches, lakes and rivers.
Every piece of trash volunteers find will be tracked and included in the Ocean Trash Index, the world’s largest database on marine litter. More than 18 million pounds (eight million kilograms) of trash was collected by nearly 800,000 volunteers during the International Coastal Cleanup in 2016.
Harnessing the Power of People to Fight Ocean Trash
Today, plastic has been found in 62% of all sea birds and in 100% of sea turtle species.
A problem as big as plastic in the ocean requires a big response! By participating in the International Coastal Cleanup, you can make a difference. You’ll join millions of volunteers just like you, who love the ocean and want to protect it. This year’s International Coastal Cleanup is Saturday, September 16th, 2017.
The coastal area between Paradise Beach and Kabeljouws will be cleaned dividing the area in 10 legs. Select the leg where you wish to participate in and view the coordinating body and reporting station.
All Schools will be invited to participate in the cleanup and will be allocated a specific section of beach. Property Agents will be invited to manage the reporting stations. Other businesses are welcome to contribute to this annual volunteer project to assist. Please contact the coordinator Gerhardt Fouche direct on 082 464 3099.
Relevant Information:
1) Clean up registration between 0800-0830
2) Bags will be provided at the various stations. Limited amount of gloves will be available.
3) Wear suitable protective clothing weather dependent.
4) Work in small groups of 4 or 5 and record all your collections. Forms provided.
The hashtag for the ICC is #2017cleanup. Please use this in your social media facebook, instagram, twitter etc.
Ocean Conservancy is working with you to protect the ocean from today’s greatest global challenges. Together, we create science-based solutions for a healthy ocean and the wildlife and communities that depend on it. www.oceanconservancy.org
Jeffreys Bay Dorp van Drome is proudly associated with Ocean Conservancy. All plastic bags supplied by Plastic SA.